K-133 Musikverlag


Aufregende und skurrile Cartoon Tunes, die auf original Instrumenten aus den 1920er Jahren geschrieben und aufgeführt wurden.Ein geistiges Kind von Zarbo Brothers... Paul Bishop und Andy Heath. Fantastisch!!

LC-Code: LC-15434
Verlag: K-133 Musikverlag GmbH
CD/KAT-Nr. Titel Dauer Aktionen
Jaunty banjo led cartoon chase Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Fun percussive heavy jungle chase Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Melodic happy kiddies jaunty march Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Bouncy desert march Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Crazy frantic comedy chase slows to end Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Happy carefree jaunt features banjo Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Playful bouncy fun features kazoo and duck quack effects Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Groovy laidback lazy features Dobro Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Cossack dance features balalaika and voice calls Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
50’s TV comedy fright night Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Upbeat wacky quirky fun Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Very fast manic country bluegrass chase Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Creeping eerie sinister spooky horror Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Belly dancers and Bazaars Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Quirky Chinese atmosphere Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Breezy rolling upbeat banjo fun Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Cheerful jovial jaunty features banjo whistler and scat singer Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Happy 1920’s Charleston features kazoo Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Gentle peaceful lazy melodic Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Fun retro mad clown comedy Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Relaxed happy feel good bluegrass Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Slightly dark comic jaunty Eastern atmosphere features kazoo Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Comedy fun features banjo kazoo and car hooter Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Bar room stripper style 12 bar features piano acoustic guitar and harmonica Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Happy jaunty banjo and whistler Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Building cartoon tension and ending Komponist: BISHOP, PAUL
Komponist: HEATH, ANDY
Your Tune Music Magazine Records

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